"Radical Crafts" is the product of a couple of things coming together, and before I even mention them I have to give all the credit to God. This idea takes my gifts - and any gift I have is from Him - and my desire to spread the gospel - and any desire to do anything good is clearly from Him and not from myself - and merges them into a forum where hopefully many people can come together to raise money to assist those who are actively ministering in various parts of the world for the sake of Christ to the glory of God.
Practically speaking, it's a craft shop selling handmade items with 100% of the profits going to ministries and organizations.
This ministry was inspired in part by the book Radical by David Platt. After reading this book, my husband and I discussed ways we could save or make extra money in order to give more. But as a stay-at-home mom, it's hard for me to make extra money. I'd thought about selling crafts for a long time, but wasn't sure I'd be motivated. But when this idea came up, I knew it was all the motivation I needed. I may have limited resources, but I can take those and as others purchase items in the shop, my resources are multiplied greatly for the sake of the gospel.
My family is an amazing gift from the Lord. My husband, Erik, is a wonderful servant leader, and we are totally blessed by our two children, "Hootie" & "Mookie." Obviously these are not their real names. Or maybe it's not that obvious...there are some interesting names out there. Anyway, we prefer to use their nicknames on the blog.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. And if you're interested in donating anything, please let me know!
Click here to view the Donor Guidelines.
Click on the "Shop" link at the top to go to the store.
Thanks for visiting!